It makes an enticing family weeknight meal or a casual party dish. But I personally like fusilli better than macaroni. And also the amount of cheeses I use in this creamy spicy beef fusilli pasta is not a lot.
Mix in cream cheese, broth, wine, basil, seasoned salt and pepper; cook stirring until the cream cheese has melted.
Sprinkle with grated cheese and return to oven to melted.
Creamy Tuscan Shrimp Fusilli is one of those wonderful recipes that is delicious, easy and quick to put together.
Kamu bisa buat Creamy Fusilli memakai 13 bahan dan 6 langkah. Begini cara memasaknya.
Bahan-bahan memasak Creamy Fusilli
- Siapkan 1 cup (140 gr) fusilli.
- Kamu butuh 50 gr daging short plate (aku pakai tenderloin/has dalam).
- Siapkan 100 ml susu full cream.
- Bunda butuh 1 sdm keju oles (aku pakai keju cheddar).
- Siapkan 1/2 buah bawang bombay.
- Anda butuh 3 siung bawang putih.
- Siapkan 1 sdm saus bolognese.
- Kamu butuh 1 sdm kecap asin.
- Kamu butuh 1 sdm saos tiram.
- Siapkan 1/4 sdt gula pasir.
- Siapkan Taburan (optional):.
- Siapkan Keju parmesan.
- Bunda butuh Parsley atau oregano kering.
Once you have all of your ingredients prepped for the dish, the sauce comes together in just a few minutes. You can put on a large pot of water for the pasta on at the same time that you begin preparing the sauce. Wash and dry the fresh produce. Pick the rosemary leaves off the stems; discard the stems. Peel and thinly slice the shallot. Cook fusilli according to package directions.
Step by step untuk buat Creamy Fusilli
- Siapkan bahan-bahan. Iris tipis daging dan bawang bombay. Haluskan bawang putih..
- Parut keju. Rebus fusilli hingga matang..
- Tumis bawang bombay hingga layu, lalu masukkan bawang putih, tumis sampai harum..
- Masukkan daging, masak sampai daging berubah warna..
- Masukkan susu, keju, kecap asin, saos tiram, gula dan saus bolognese, aduk rata..
- Masukkan fusilli, aduk rata, masak hingga susu susut. Sajikan dengan taburan keju parmesan dan parsley atau oregano kering. ☺️🍝.
Meanwhile, heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Spirals of fusilli are perfect for holding onto rich and creamy sauces. This versatile pasta tastes great in pasta bakes, salads or one-pan dishes.
Fusilli with Ham & Peas is a cheesy pasta recipe perfect for spring lunches or dinners. Fusilli is a great choice for a thinner sauce like this because it just wraps around all the little folds. You can use your favorite pasta or choose a gluten free noodle if you like. Toss the noodles with the sauce in the pan.
Mudah sekali bukan memasak Creamy Fusilli ini? Selamat mencoba.